
Un oficial de Policía Nacional fuera de servicio resucita a un niño de un año tras atragantamiento

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Un oficial de Policía Nacional fuera de servicio resucita a un niño de un año tras atragantamiento

Un policía nacional no assigned a duty recently saved the life of a 13-month-old boy who was choking in a supermarket located in the Murcian district of Santo Ángel. According to police sources, the incident occurred on October 28 when the officer heard a woman carrying a baby asking for help. Upon approaching, he noticed that the child was not breathing and had a bluish face and stiff lips, a condition known as cyanosis.

The officer checked if there was any object obstructing the babys airways, but there was none, so he performed the Heimlich maneuver, holding the baby face down on his left thigh and performing a series of chest compressions. However, the baby still did not breathe, so the officer turned him over and performed five more chest compressions. After repeating the process, the baby finally expelled a compact mass of mucus and began to breathe with difficulty.

The officer then placed the child in the recovery position, and the baby gradually regained normal breathing and skin color. Emergency services arrived at the scene and took the child to a nearby hospital. Interestingly, another officer from the same force recently saved a runners life in San Pedro del Pinatar, Murcia, by performing CPR during a sports event.

In summary, the quick thinking and actions of the off-duty police officer saved the life of a choking baby in a supermarket. This incident highlights the importance of knowing how to perform life-saving techniques in emergency situations., Un oficial de Policía Nacional fuera de servicio resucita a un niño de un año tras atragantamiento

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