
Greta Thunberg Goes Net-Zero on Swear Words

Últimas noticias, Tecnología, Salud, Deportes, Economía, Moda, Belleza y más

Thunberg Tells Critics: 'You Have Been Playing Nice Long Enough' Greenpeace Protests Against U.S. Military's Plans to Deploy Nuclear Weapons on Europe.

"I didn't come here to ask the world to protect us. I came here to protect the world." — Greta Thunberg.

'You Are Being Obsessed', 'They Try to Make Us Think What Is Really Important Is Money'

Thunberg Has Changed 'Everything' for Her Generation: 'No More Fake Happiness'

Greta Thunberg Is the 'Loudest Voice' I've Ever Heard

After Trump's Paris Attack and Trump's Threat to Use Nuclear Weapons, People Demand Climate Change Action Now

After Paris Attacks, Thunberg Reacts, Tells Trump to 'Never Use Nuclear Weapons'

Greta Thunberg Goes Net-Zero on Swear Words

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