
Más de 350 educadores estatales salvadoreños se capacitan en criptomonedas.

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Más de 350 educadores estatales salvadoreños se capacitan en criptomonedas.

Bitcoin Education Continues to Grow in El Salvador

John Dennehy, CEO of Mi Primer Bitcoin, has stated that those who learn about Bitcoin do not later abandon it. Since the beginning of the year, Mi Primer Bitcoin has graduated 400 students from its program. Bitcoin education in El Salvador extends beyond the student population, with nearly 400 teachers in the country also receiving instruction on this digital asset through Mi Primer Bitcoins Diplomado de Bitcoin program.

Mi Primer Bitcoin has been able to train and graduate a total of 359 teachers from El Salvadors public schools, nearly double the number they had aimed to instruct by August of last year. These teachers are now teaching Bitcoin in classrooms across the country, with the potential for a significant long-term impact.

In addition to the diplomado, Mi Primer Bitcoin has also developed a new introductory course, which is currently in the beta testing phase. The organization has already graduated over 35,000 students in Bitcoin education since its formation in 2021, and aims to reach a total of 100,000 students.

Bitcoin education in El Salvador is a slow but constant process, with those who are educated on the digital asset tending to remain within the Bitcoin ecosystem. Mi Primer Bitcoin continues to work towards its goal of preparing the next generation of Salvadorans for a future in which Bitcoin will play a major role.

Keywords: Bitcoin, El Salvador, Education, Mi Primer Bitcoin, Diplomado de Bitcoin, Teachers, Long-term impact, Beta testing, Introductory course, Financial education, Cryptocurrency.

Note: It is important to highlight the efforts being made in El Salvador to educate the population about Bitcoin and its potential impact on the countrys financial system. The gradual but steady growth of the number of people being trained in Bitcoin education is a positive sign for the future of this digital asset in the country. Más de 350 educadores estatales salvadoreños se capacitan en criptomonedas.

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