
Revelado El suculento cachet que recibió Marcela Reyes por actuar en fiesta de Luisa Fernanda W.

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Revelado El suculento cachet que recibió Marcela Reyes por actuar en fiesta de Luisa Fernanda W.

La famosa influencer colombiana, Luisa Fernanda W, recently turned 31 and celebrated her birthday in a grand style in the beautiful city of Cartagena, surrounded by her loved ones and famous friends. The party has been the talk of the town, especially due to some of the high-profile guests.

Through her social media, the content creator has shared glimpses of her birthday celebration, which lasted for several days and even included a wellness-focused party where guests immersed themselves in ice, meditated, and connected with their bodies. However, it wasnt all peace and tranquility, as celebrities like Pipe Bueno, Marilyn Oquendo, Miguel Bueno, Dani Duke, Daniela Arango, Daniela Tapia, Pautips, Mario Ruiz, Itza primera, Nanis Ochoa, and la Mafe Méndez, among others, attended the party and turned up the heat.

One of the highlights of the party was Marcela Reyes performance, who took to her social media to share her experience at the influencers birthday bash. She praised Luisa Fernanda Ws family, including her mother-in-law, mother, brother-in-law, and sister, with whom she had a great time. Marcela also revealed that Pipe Bueno, Luisas boyfriend, complimented her performance, calling her a mega artist, which she took as a high honor coming from someone with such a long and successful career in the industry.

Despite the star-studded guest list and extravagant celebrations, Luisa Fernanda Ws birthday party was not without controversy. The influencer has been criticized for her choice of guests, particularly Marcela Reyes, who has been involved in several scandals in the past. However, Luisa Fernanda W has not let the negative comments dampen her spirits and has continued to celebrate her birthday in style.

In summary, Luisa Fernanda Ws 31st birthday party was a lavish and unforgettable event, filled with famous faces, wellness activities, and, of course, lots of partying. Despite the controversy, the influencer remained unbothered and enjoyed her special day with her loved ones. Revelado El suculento cachet que recibió Marcela Reyes por actuar en fiesta de Luisa Fernanda W.

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