
Descubre el novedoso sistema de vigilancia chino: emplea IA para identificar delincuentes

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Descubre el novedoso sistema de vigilancia chino: emplea IA para identificar delincuentes

China, una de las naciones más poderosas del mundo, avanza a pasos agigantados en el terreno tecnológico y de la inteligencia artificial IA, implementando esta última en sus sistemas de seguridad. El periodista Daniel Silva de Meganoticias recently visited the country to examine the efficiency and mechanisms of their security system, and heres what he found.

Chinas cutting-edge security system utilizes AI to detect and track criminals. According to Silva, every public bus has cameras inside, and anyone who wants to use a ride-hailing app like Uber or Didi must also have one by law. The roads are filled with cameras that capture images of vehicles, license plates, and individuals every 200 meters. The metro stations are no exception, as they too have numerous surveillance cameras.

Silva emphasized that when people are moving around China, whether in a car, a bus, a train, or the metro, theres a follow-up. However, he clarified that its not under the names and surnames of every individual but rather through the use of AI systems that share data. For instance, if a person murders a police officer in China, their face, name, and information are immediately added to a centralized system in every region of China. Consequently, if the individual attempts to flee through the metro, they will be detected within minutes.

In cases where the individuals face is covered, there are preventive control protocols in place. Any unusual behavior that raises an alert will prompt the police to stop the person immediately. Police officers wear body cameras that contain such data. If the device of an officer detects a wanted person, an alert is raised.

The general manager of Hikvision Chile, Samuel Ramírez, explained that the technology analyzes human behavior. Actions such as raising hands or running in an unusual location can trigger an alert in the AI system. The system can also determine if a person is being attacked, has fallen, or is experiencing any adverse events like a robbery.

In summary, Chinas security system is a formidable network of surveillance cameras and AI technology, working together to ensure the safety of its citizens. While some may find it intrusive, others see it as a necessary measure to combat crime effectively. Descubre el novedoso sistema de vigilancia chino: emplea IA para identificar delincuentes

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